Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: Are you a real business?
A1: Yes, we are a real business. For information you can refer to the following link: About Us
Q2: Is shopping on this site safe?
A2: On the internet there is no guarantee 100% safe, anything can happen. However, for the safety and convenience of customer transactions, we will do our best.
Q3: How much do you charge for shipping?
A3: All shipping costs will be available when you place your order.
Q4: How can I track my order?
A4: Once your order is shipped, we will send your order tracking code number to the email address you provided. Apart from that you can also find it in your account dashboard.
Q5: What is the payment method?
A5: We accept all major credit or debit cards, Master, Visa, Amex, Discover (Via Paypal Payment System). A payment link will be sent to your email after you place an order.
Q6: When will you charge me for my order?
A6: When you place an order, the system will automatically direct you to the payment menu.
Q7: Do you accept returns?
A:7 Yes, we accept returns. For more information, you can refer to the following link: Refund policy